Tag Archives: photography

If you look back into a few of my past pictures, like this:

The bottom of the board

The bottom of the board

You can see a bit of glare on the board.  Sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it isn’t.  Most of the time, I see it and move the camera to NOT show really bad glare.  This is caused by the florescent lights above my workbench.  I needed to get a picture of another board, and the glare was worse than above.  Since my cell phone (which tends to be my primary camera) needs the light, I decided to deal with the issue.

The way to deal with this is to use a diffusing disc to diffuse the florescent light and eliminate the glare, like in the diagram below.

Diagram of arrangement.

Diagram of arrangement you see in the image below.

And yes, you can hold this with one hand, take a picture with the other hand…

2013-11-16 12.35.58

I think I spent $25+ on my diffusing disc at a specialty camera store.  However, I’m fairly sure it is no better than the $12 one at Amazon.  Additionally, I could use a clip light to put more light on the workbench and still eliminate the glare.  The point of the diffusing disc is to scatter the light.

Using this diffusing disc, the glare reduction is pretty obvious in this more recent image:

Look ma, no glare!

Look ma, no glare!

Category: General Stuff

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